Black-headed Grosbeak

Pheucticus melanocephalus

Three records. One at Milford, April 10 through 13, 1969, was photographed (Petersen 1970). One at Cincinnati, January through March, 1976 had a written description provided to the American Birds compiler (Kleen 1976), but no specific dates; Maslowski 1976 gives the location as 1231 Anderson Ferry Road, and the date as “since mid-January”. Two at Fort Ancient, October 5, 1983 had a written description provided to the American Birds compiler (Peterjohn 1984). Interestingly, Peterjohn 2001 accepts the 1969 record, questions the 1976 record, and ignores the 1983 record, even though he accepted the documentation for his American Birds account.

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