In the summer of 1996, Michael Sweeney gave Earl Thirey a cardboard box of materials which had belonged to Worth Randle. In the box was Worth’s copy of the 1953 Birds of Southwestern Ohio, by Emerson Kemsies and Worth Randle, which had many marginal notations and changes to the original text. Inspired by that, Earl contacted David Styer, and David in turn contacted me, with the idea of compiling an updated annotated list of the birds of our area. There has not been anything like Kemsies and Randle since 1953. Our ambitious idea was to include all species which had published records, however dubious, with our synopsis of how the frequency and timing of each species has changed over time. “Published” means published in a serious ornithological source, not just random imaginings on Facebook or the like. Before too long, Earl moved to Georgia, but David and I continued to compile records, searching through back issues of North American Birds and its predecessors, the Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana state journals, Karl Maslowski’s Naturalist Afield columns, various 19th and early 20th Century publications, and whatever else we could find. By the early 2000s, we had compiled a mass of data, and were just thinking about actually writing species accounts, but David moved to California, and the project stalled out. I recently decided to revive the project, and this annotated list, which is nowhere near complete yet, is where my efforts stand to date. There is obviously a lot left to write, but I’m working on it.
Meanwhile, I expect to add to the accounts frequently. Please let me know if you have questions, comments, corrections, or suggestions, including suggestions about which species accounts you would like to see.
Ned Keller
Highlighted bird names contain links to a longer article (there are only a few so far). Those longer articles contain citations to various publications. The works cited can be found in the Bibliography.
Birds listed in the basic checklist have more details there on frequency and timing.
Species | In Basic Checklist | Summary |
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck | no | First recorded at Montgomery (Hamilton County) on May 30, 2004; not seen again until 2016; now nearly annual. |
Fulvous Whistling-Duck | no | Four were at Hueston Woods on April 11, 1974, with one remaining through April 16. |
Snow Goose | yes | Rare winter visitor. |
Ross's Goose | yes | Very rare winter visitor. |
Greater White-fronted Goose | yes | Rare to very rare winter visitor, more likely in late winter than early. |
Brant | no | Two records in our core area: fourteen at Oxbow November 17, 1985, with seven remaining through November 19; one at Four Seasons Marina March 10 through 12, 1994. |
Cackling Goose | yes | Very rare winter visitor. |
Canada Goose | yes | Very common permanent resident, augmented by smaller subspecies during migration. |
Mute Swan | yes | Wild birds rare fall through spring; nests in a few locations; also kept as an ornamental. |
Trumpeter Swan | yes | Very rare late winter visitor. |
Tundra Swan | yes | Very rare winter visitor. |
Wood Duck | yes | Fairly common spring through fall; very rare in late winter. |
Garganey | no | One record, an adult male at Fernald Preserve's Lodge Pond, April 29, 2011 through May 14, 2011. |
Blue-winged Teal | yes | Fairly common migrant; very rare summer resident; absent most winters. |
Cinnamon Teal | no | One record from the Ohio River in Campbell County and a nearby Hamilton County pond, March 1951; another from Spring Valley April 26, 1996. |
Northern Shoveler | yes | Fairly common migrant and uncommon winter resident. |
Gadwall | yes | Fairly common migrant and winter resident. |
Eurasian Wigeon | no | Ten plus spring records, ranging from 1949 to 2021. |
American Wigeon | yes | Fairly common migrant and uncommon winter resident. |
Mallard | yes | Very common, widespread permanent resident; additional birds during migration. |
American Black Duck | yes | Uncommon migrant and winter resident. |
Northern Pintail | yes | Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident. |
Green-winged Teal | yes | Fairly common migrant and rare winter resident. |
Canvasback | yes | Fairly common migrant and rare winter resident. |
Redhead | yes | Fairly common migrant and uncommon winter resident. |
Ring-necked Duck | yes | Fairly common migrant and winter resident. |
Greater Scaup | yes | Rare migrant and winter resident. |
Lesser Scaup | yes | Fairly common migrant and uncommon winter resident. |
King Eider | no | Single birds shot by hunters on Ohio River Northern Kentucky, 12/26/1959 and 1/2/1971; 1 above Mehldahl Dam 11/30 to 12/10/2017. |
Harlequin Duck | no | One at Brookville Lake, April 15-16, 1989; one on the Great Miami River at Dayton, January 14, 1996; two on the Great Miami River at Dayton, January 13 through 25, 2003, with one downriver at Hamilton on January 26; one at Camp Dennison November 27 - 28, 2005; one on the Ohio River at New Richmond, February 26, 2008; one at Lost Bridge, January 30, 2022. |
Surf Scoter | no | Almost annual; found late fall through early spring |
White-winged Scoter | no | Almost annual; found late fall through early spring |
Black Scoter | no | Less than annual; found every few years in late fall through early spring. |
Long-tailed Duck | no | Almost annual; found late fall through early spring |
Bufflehead | yes | Fairly common migrant and winter resident. |
Common Goldeneye | yes | Fairly common migrant and uncommon winter resident, rare before January. |
Barrow's Goldeneye | no | One published record of a second-hand report, without details. |
Hooded Merganser | yes | Fairly common migrant and winter resident; rare nester. |
Common Merganser | yes | Rare winter visitor and spring migrant. |
Red-breasted Merganser | yes | Rare winter visitor; fairly common spring migrant. |
Ruddy Duck | yes | Fairly common migrant and uncommon winter resident. |
Northern Bobwhite | yes | A rare permanent resident which never recovered from the harsh winters of the late 1970s. Now difficult to separate wild from released individuals. |
Wild Turkey | yes | Uncommon permanent resident. |
Ruffed Grouse | no | Scattered records in our core area; becoming more regular in the wooded regions of eastern Highland and Adams Counties. |
Greater Prairie-Chicken | no | No specific records; the only reference is from 1879: "A former resident" |
Gray Partridge | no | Only a few scattered records in our area for this introduced speces, which has now been extirpated from Ohio for nearly a half century. |
Ring-necked Pheasant | no | Scattered records, all of which presumably relate to escaped or released birds; there are no established populations of this introduced, nonmigratory species within a hundred miles. |
American Flamingo | no | Two at Caesar Creek beach, September 1, 2023 and 1 on the Ohio River at Warsaw, September 7 - October 1, 2023 were part of an invasion following Hurricane Idalia. |
Pied-billed Grebe | yes | Fairly common migrant and winter resident; very rare nester. |
Horned Grebe | yes | Uncommon migrant, rare winter resident. |
Red-necked Grebe | no | Very rare visitor, fall through spring; about annual. |
Eared Grebe | no | Very rare visitor, fall through spring; less than annual. |
Western Grebe | no | Very rare, reported once or twice a decade. First reported November 1967 at Dayton; most recent January 2016 at Caesar Creek Lake. |
Rock Pigeon | yes | Introduced species, commonly found in towns, around farms, and at underpasses. |
Passenger Pigeon | no | Formerly the most common species in North America; now extinct. The last bird shot in the wild in our area was probably in Franklin County, in 1902. |
Eurasian Collared-Dove | no | First reported at Rapid Run Park, May 9, 2005; now reported annually, usually from established locations. |
White-winged Dove | no | First reported from Independence,Kentucky August 23, 2009; about ten records since then. |
Mourning Dove | yes | Common, widespread permanent resident. |
Groove-billed Ani | no | One record, a single bird east of Owensville, October 9 through November 19, 1981. |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Black-billed Cuckoo | yes | Rare summer resident |
Common Nighthawk | yes | Uncommon summer resident; fairly common early fall migrant. |
Chuck-will's-widow | no | Breeds in Adams County, with a few scattered records from farther west and north. |
Eastern Whip-poor-will | yes | Very rare summer resident in our core area, but more frequent away from urban areas; fairly common in eastern Adams County. |
Chimney Swift | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Mexican Violetear | no | One record, a single bird at Taylor Mill, Kenton County, August 25-27, 1999. |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | yes | Fairly common summer resident. Sightings from November on are likely to be Rufous. |
Black-chinned Hummingbird | no | One record, a bird at Hidden Valley Lake, Dearborn County, December 12-13, 2021. |
Anna's Hummingbird | no | One record, a single bird remained at a home in West Chester from November 12 through December 24, 2005. |
Rufous Hummingbird | yes | First published record was from 2000, but earlier records from November on almost certainly relate to this species; now reported at least annually. |
Allen's Hummingbird | no | One record: a single bird remained at a home in Mariemont from November 10, 2021 through January 21, 2022. |
King Rail | no | Rare; reported every few years. There are several older nesting records. |
Clapper Rail | no | A single published record, in Dury & Kellogg 1891, undoubtedly was actually King Rail. |
Virginia Rail | yes | Uncommon migrant and very rare summer resident; confined to marshes. |
Sora | yes | Fairly common migrant; confined to marshes. |
Common Gallinule | yes | Rare migrant and very rare summer resident. |
American Coot | yes | Fairly common winter resident, becoming common in migration; very rare summer resident. |
Purple Gallinule | no | Ten plus records, mostly spring, ranging from 1877 to 2022. |
Yellow Rail | no | Very rare; last reported 2020; several years often pass without a report. |
Black Rail | no | Two at Ross Lake, near Carthage, May 17, 1890, followed by 7(!) at the same location May 1891. No additional records until April 23, 1967, April 19, 1980, and April 29, 1990 at Spring Valley, and May 7, 1997 at Miami-Whitewater wetlands. |
Limpkin | no | Several records from summer and fall 2023, at least three different birds. |
Sandhill Crane | yes | Uncommon in late fall and winter, sometimes seen in large flocks, particularly at the north end of Brookville Lake. |
Whooping Crane | no | A single second-hand report of a 19th century specimen from Carthage, plus a couple of 21st century reports of birds from the introduced Great Lakes population. |
Black-necked Stilt | no | Included in list in Langdon 1879; no modern records until 2004; now rare, but reported most years. |
American Avocet | no | Occurred in Warren County 1880; no modern records until 1977; now recorded annually. |
Northern Lapwing | no | No records in our core area; one record of a single bird in Adams County, December 29-30, 1994. |
Black-bellied Plover | yes | Rare spring migrant. |
American Golden-Plover | yes | Rare spring and fall migrant. |
Killdeer | yes | Common summer resident, uncommon winter resident. |
Semipalmated Plover | yes | Uncommon migrant. |
Piping Plover | no | First reported in 1879, then not reported until 1951 and 1973. Five 21st Century reports, the most recent being April 22 - 24, 2020, from Hueston Woods. |
Upland Sandpiper | no | Rare, nearly annual migrant. |
Whimbrel | no | Very rare spring migrant; several years often pass without a report. |
Eskimo Curlew | no | Two published records from 1838 and 1878 (documentation no longer availble); now extinct. |
Long-billed Curlew | no | A single published record from 1897 with sparse details, no documentation now available. |
Hudsonian Godwit | no | Very rare migrant; several years often pass without a report. |
Marbled Godwit | no | 33 were reported from the mouth of the Little Miami River in Langdon 1879; there were no other reports until 1983; they are now reported about every other year. |
Ruddy Turnstone | yes | Very rare migrant. |
Red Knot | no | Very rare migrant; about one report per decade. |
Ruff | no | One seen by multiple experienced observers at Lost Bridge, April 15, 1987; another photographed at the same location September 21, 2022. |
Stilt Sandpiper | yes | Rare migrant, mostly fall. |
Sanderling | yes | Very rare migrant. |
Dunlin | yes | Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. |
Purple Sandpiper | no | Up to 3 at East Fork SP 10/23 to 10/26/2013; 1 at the same location 2/12 to 2/19/2021 |
Baird's Sandpiper | yes | Rare fall migrant; usually misidentified in spring. |
Least Sandpiper | yes | Fairly common migrant, more common in fall. |
White-rumped Sandpiper | yes | Rare migrant |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper | yes | Very rare fall migrant. |
Pectoral Sandpiper | yes | Uncommon to fairly common migrant. |
Semipalmated Sandpiper | yes | Fairly common migrant,, more common in fall. |
Western Sandpiper | no | Rare fall migrant, reported less than annually; very rare spring migrant. |
Short-billed Dowitcher | yes | Rare migrant; fall migration almost over before Long-billed begins. |
Long-billed Dowitcher | yes | Very rare spring and late fall migrant. |
American Woodcock | yes | Fairly common in wet habitats in spirng; present but hard to find as a breeder. |
Wilson's Snipe | yes | Uncommon migrant and very rare winter resident. |
Spotted Sandpiper | yes | Fairly common migrant and uncommon summer resident. |
Solitary Sandpiper | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Lesser Yellowlegs | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Willet | no | Rare migrant; a few reports most years. |
Greater Yellowlegs | yes | Uncommon to fairly common migrant. |
Wilson's Phalarope | no | Rare migrant; one to a few reports most years. |
Red-necked Phalarope | no | Rare migrant, reported most years. |
Red Phalarope | no | Rare migrant, reported about every other year. |
Pomarine Jaeger | no | Two records: October 30 thorugh November 15, 1999, at Harsha Lake in East Fork State Park; and September 9, 2018, at Acton Lake in Hueston Woods State Park. |
Parasitic Jaeger | no | Two records: Late March or early April, 1880, near Lebanon; and September 30 through October 10, 2020, at the northern part of Caesar Creek Lake. |
Long-tailed Jaeger | no | One bird, at Harsha Lake, East Fork State Park, September 5, 2006. |
Black-legged Kittiwake | no | First reported November 8, 1970; now very rare but almost annual. |
Sabine's Gull | no | One at Hueston Woods, November 3 through 16, 1985; one at Brookville Lake, October31 to November 1, 1987; one at Caesar Creek Lake, November 4 through 6 and again November 27 through 30, 1993; one at Brookville Lake, September 27, 2003; One at Brookville Lake, October 4, 2007; one at East Fork Lake, October 17 through 24, 2011; one at Brookville Lake, September 13 through 17, 2021. |
Bonaparte's Gull | yes | Fairly common migrant and uncommon winter resident. |
Black-headed Gull | no | One record, from East Fork State Park, South Beach, on March 30, 2022. |
Little Gull | no | First published report was from 1978; now recorded every two or three years. |
Laughing Gull | yes | Very rare fall migrant. |
Franklin's Gull | yes | Rare fall migrant. |
Ring-billed Gull | yes | Common winter resident and migrant; rare in summer. |
California Gull | no | One record, a single bird at Caesar Creek Lake, May 13 through 18, 2000. |
Herring Gull | yes | Fairly common migrant, uncommon winter resident. |
Iceland Gull | no | Rare migrant, seen more years than not. |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | yes | Very rare fall migrant. |
Glaucous Gull | no | Rare migrant, seen more years than not. |
Great Black-backed Gull | no | Rare migrant, seen more years than not. |
Sooty Tern | no | A single bird was present at Harsha Lake, East Fork State Park, July 12 - 19, 2005. |
Least Tern | no | First recorded August 22, 1887 from Franklin County. No additional records until 1951. Four 21st Century records. |
Caspian Tern | yes | Uncommon migrant. |
Black Tern | yes | Rare migrant |
Roseate Tern | no | Two published records, from 1879 and 1949, without details. |
Common Tern | yes | Rare migrant. |
Forster's Tern | yes | Uncommon migrant. |
Red-throated Loon | no | Rare migrant, seen one to a few times a year. |
Pacific Loon | no | Very rare migrant seen about every other year. |
Common Loon | yes | Fairly common fall migrant, less common in spring. |
Leach's Storm-Petrel | no | One found, freshly dead, on a street in Dayton, May 16, 1929. |
Black-capped Petrel | no | Three birds found on the Ohio River near Cincinnati, October 4-5, 1898. |
Wood Stork | no | Four records: August 1, 1855 at Brookville, a "large flock" which remained a month to six weeks; July 23, 1909 at Todd's Fork, Clinton County; May 5, 1946 also at Todd's Fork; and September 19 through 21, 2021 at Hueston Woods. |
Magnificent Frigatebird | no | One bird, found on a lawn in Hyde Park, September 29, 1967. |
Northern Gannet | no | One record, seen intermittently along the Ohio River, December 7 - 24, 1967; captured the latter date. |
Double-crested Cormorant | yes | Fairly common summer resident, and common fall migrant. |
Neotropic Cormorant | yes | One was at the Oxbow, July 30 to August 12, 2012; since then rare but reported most years. |
American White Pelican | yes | Very rare fall migrant. |
Brown Pelican | no | Very rare migrant; seen once or twice a decade. |
Least Bittern | yes | Rare summer resident. |
American Bittern | yes | Rare, but seen several times a year, mostly in spring. |
Little Blue Heron | yes | Very rare migrant. |
Tricolored Heron | no | Very rare migrant, reported less than once a decade. |
Snowy Egret | yes | Very rare migrant. |
Yellow-crowned Night Heron | yes | Rare summer resident. |
Black-crowned Night Heron | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
Green Heron | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Great Egret | yes | Uncommon summer resident; common in post-breeding dispersal. |
Western Cattle-Egret | no | Very rare migrant, reported most years. |
Great Blue Heron | yes | Common permanent resident. |
White Ibis | no | One at Englewood Dam, Dayton, August 21-30, 1964; one at Spring Valley Wildlife area, July 14, 1990; one at the Oxbow, November 4-8, 1995; one at Big Oaks NWR, June 19, 2002; one at Englewood MetroPark, August 5 - 16, 2016; one at Gilmore Ponds, August 8 - 15, 2016. |
Glossy Ibis | no | Very rare migrant, seen every few years. |
White-faced Ibis | no | Very rare migrant; several years pass without a sighting. |
Roseate Spoonbill | no | No records in our core area; one record of four birds at Rocky Fork Lake, July 20 through October 20, 2002 and another of two birds in Gallatin County October 20 through 28, 2021. |
Black Vulture | yes | Fairly common permanent resident. |
Turkey Vulture | yes | Common summer resident; fairly common to uncommon winter resident. |
Osprey | yes | Uncommon summer resident; fairly common fall migrant. |
Swallow-tailed Kite | no | Reported, without details, in Franklin County before 1869. One on both sides of the Ohio River, at Petersburg KY and Tanner's Creek, IN, August 16 through September 8, 1997; then at least 5 21st Century records. |
Golden Eagle | no | Very rare migrant, reported every few years. |
Northern Harrier | yes | Uncommon migrant and winter resident. |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | yes | Rare winter resident, rare to uncommon migrant. |
Cooper's Hawk | yes | Fairly common permanent resident. |
American Goshawk | no | Very rare late fall to early spring migrant and winter visitor. |
Bald Eagle | yes | Uncommon permanent resident. |
Mississippi Kite | no | Very rare migrant and summer resident, seen most years; has bred here. |
Red-shouldered Hawk | yes | Fairly common permanent resident. |
Broad-winged Hawk | yes | Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident. |
Swainson's Hawk | no | Two records: one at Liberty, Union County, October 22, 1977; and one at Hueston Woods, May 13, 1987. |
Red-tailed Hawk | yes | Fairly common permanent resident. |
Rough-legged Hawk | yes | Very rare winter visitor. |
Ferruginous Hawk | no | One bird at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport, late January through May 12, 2012. |
American Barn Owl | no | Very rare permanent resident. |
Eastern Screech-Owl | yes | Fairly common, but infrequently reported, permanent resident.' |
Great Horned Owl | yes | Uncomon permanent resident. |
Snowy Owl | yes | Very rare winter visitor. |
Northern Hawk Owl | no | One record, January 1878, in Franklin County. |
Barred Owl | yes | Uncommon permanent resident. |
Great Gray Owl | no | A record from the 1890s, without details or a specific date. |
Long-eared Owl | no | Very rare winter visitor, reported every few years. |
Short-eared Owl | yes | Rare winter resident, but fairly dependable in select locations. |
Northern Saw-whet Owl | yes | Uncommon migrant and winter resident, but almost never encountered. |
Belted Kingfisher | yes | Fairly common permanent resident. |
Red-headed Woodpecker | yes | Uncommon summer resident and rare winter resident. |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | yes | Uncommon migrant and winter resident. |
Downy Woodpecker | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Hairy Woodpecker | yes | Fairly common permanent resident. |
Northern Flicker | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Pileated Woodpecker | yes | Fairly common permanent resident. |
Ivory-billed Woodpecker | no | May have been present during the early period of European settlement, but there are no specific records. |
American Kestrel | yes | Fairly common winter resident, uncommon summer resident. |
Merlin | yes | Rare migrant and winter resident. |
Gyrfalcon | no | One published sight record, December 1950. |
Peregrine Falcon | yes | Rare permanent resident. |
Prairie Falcon | no | One record, west of Brookville Lake, November 11-16, 2014. |
Monk Parakeet | no | Attempted to nest, summer 1980. No other records. |
Carolina Parakeet | no | Formerly regular, at the northern part of its range, until the mid-19th Century; now extinct. |
Great Crested Flycatcher | yes | Common summer resident. |
Western Kingbird | no | Very rare migrant, reported about once a decade. |
Eastern Kingbird | yes | Common summer resident. |
Gray Kingbird | no | One record, from Boone County, April 24-26, 2011. |
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | no | One in Adams County, 5/8/1978; one in Hamilton County, 1970; one in Adams County, 6/10/1970; one in Kilby Road Gravel, 5/18-25/2010; one in Butler County, 5/5-7/2017. |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | yes | Very rare migrant. |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | yes | Common summer resident, later into fall than other flycatchers. |
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher | yes | Rare migrant. |
Acadian Flycatcher | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Alder Flycatcher | yes | Rare migrant. |
Willow Flycatcher | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Least Flycatcher | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Eastern Phoebe | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Say's Phoebe | no | One at Hueston Woods, 11/26/1989, one at Moore's Hill (Dearborn Co.), 12/27/1997 - 1/2/1998, and one near Yellow Springs (Greene Co.), 11/28-29/2009. |
White-eyed Vireo | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Bell's Vireo | yes | Rare summer resident. |
Yellow-throated Vireo | yes | Fairley common summer resident. |
Blue-headed Vireo | yes | Uncommon migrant. |
Philadelphia Vireo | yes | Rare migrant. |
Warbling Vireo | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Red-eyed Vireo | yes | Common summer resident. |
Loggerhead Shrike | no | An uncommon migrant and rare nester through the first third of the 20th Century; now very rare - one is reported every few years. |
Northern Shrike | no | Rare winter visitor, found about every other year. |
Blue Jay | yes | Common permanent resident. |
American Crow | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Fish Crow | no | Two were reported in Montgomery County May 8 through 22, 2023; also a couple of other records from outside our core area. |
Common Raven | no | Apparently common in the early 19th Century, they were all but extirpated by mid-century. No modern records. |
Carolina Chickadee | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Black-capped Chickadee | no | Several banding records, and a handful of plausible sight records by experienced observers. |
Tufted Titmouse | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Eurasian Skylark | no | Introduced in the early 1870s, and nested for a few years, but the population then disappeared. |
Horned Lark | yes | Uncommon winter resident, rare summer resident. |
Bank Swallow | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
Tree Swallow | yes | Common summer resident; the first swallow to arrive in spring and the last to leave in fall. |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | yes | Common summer resident, |
Purple Martin | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Barn Swallow | yes | Common summer resident, |
Cliff Swallow | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
Cave Swallow | no | None in our core area, but one at Rocky Fork Lake November 16-17, 2008, and one at Eastwood MetroPark, April 9, 2016. |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | yes | Fairly common migrant and rare winter resident, particularly early winter. |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | yes | Fairly common winter resident. |
Bohemian Waxwing | no | One published sight record, Marach 13, 1939, at Hyde Park. |
Cedar Waxwing | yes | Fairly common summer resident and rare winter resident, particularly early winter. |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | yes | Uncommon to rare winter resident; numbers fluctuate from year to year. |
White-breasted Nuthatch | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Brown-headed Nuthatch | no | One at Springboro (Warren County), 12/21/2020. |
Brown Creeper | yes | Fairly common to uncommon winter resident. |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Bewick's Wren | no | Formerly an uncommon summer resident, it is now essentially absent from our area, with only one 21st Century report. |
Carolina Wren | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Northern House Wren | yes | Common summer resident, |
Winter Wren | yes | Rare winter resident. |
Sedge Wren | yes | Rare migrant and late summer nester. |
Marsh Wren | yes | Rare migrant and late summer nester. |
Gray Catbird | yes | Common summer resident. |
Brown Thrasher | yes | Fairly common summer resident and rare winter resident. |
Northern Mockingbird | yes | Common summer resident and fairly common winter resident. |
European Starling | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Eastern Bluebird | yes | Fairly common permanent resident. |
Veery | yes | Uncommon migrant. |
Gray-cheeked Thrush | yes | Uncommon to rare migrant. |
Swainson's Thrush | yes | Fairly common to common migrant. |
Hermit Thrush | yes | Uncommon migrant and winter resident, mostly early winter. |
Wood Thrush | yes | Common summer resident, |
American Robin | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Varied Thrush | no | One at Loveland, January 1 through March 2, 1980, and one at Middle Creek Road, Boone County, February 16 through 21, 2021. |
House Sparrow | yes | Common permanent resident. |
American Pipit | yes | Uncommon to rare migrant and rare winter visitor. |
Sprague's Pipit | no | One at Oxford Airport, November 15, 1958, plus three more there November 27. |
Evening Grosbeak | no | Rare migrant and winter resident, reported almost annually. |
Pine Grosbeak | no | One record of a single individual, at Mt. Airy Arboretum, December 24, 1951 through January 27, 1952. One at nearby Spring Grove Cemetery on December 20, 1951 was likely the same bird. |
House Finch | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Purple Finch | yes | Rare winter resident. |
Redpoll | no | Very rare winter resident, reported most years; numbers fluctuate considerably. |
Red Crossbill | no | First recorded in 1868; can tend to stay in one spot during irruption winters, but otherwise recorded sporadically every few years. |
White-winged Crossbill | no | First recorded in 1868; now seen every few years, but none since 2013. |
Pine Siskin | yes | Rare winter resident; numbers vary considerably from year to year. |
American Goldfinch | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Lapland Longspur | yes | Very rare winter visitor. |
Smith's Longspur | no | Several records from Oxford Airport from 1949 through1962, but none since then. Abput five records from othr locations since 1997. |
Snow Bunting | yes | Very rare winter visitor. |
Bachman's Sparrow | no | Never common in our area, it has been extirpated from Ohio since the mid-20th Century. |
Grasshopper Sparrow | yes | Rare summer resident. |
Lark Sparrow | yes | Very rare summer resident. |
Chipping Sparrow | yes | Common summer resident and very rare winter residenet. |
Clay-colored Sparrow | no | A rare migrant, first recorded in 1986; it is now reported almost annually. |
Field Sparrow | yes | Common summer resident and uncommon winter resident. |
Fox Sparrow | yes | Uncommon winter resident. |
American Tree Sparrow | yes | Fairly common winter resident. |
Dark-eyed Junco | yes | Common winter resident. |
White-crowned Sparrow | yes | Fairly common to uncommon winter resident and migrant. |
Harris's Sparrow | no | A very rare migrant, first recorded in 1963, several years can now pass without a report. |
White-throated Sparrow | yes | Common winter resident. |
Vesper Sparrow | yes | Rare migrant. |
LeConte's Sparrow | yes | Very rare fall migrant. |
Nelson's Sparrow | yes | Rare fall migrant. |
Henslow's Sparrow | yes | Rare summer resident. |
Savannah Sparrow | yes | Uncommon migrant, rare winter resident, and very rare summer resident. |
Song Sparrow | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Lincoln's Sparrow | yes | Fairly common fall and rare spring migrant. |
Swamp Sparrow | yes | Uncommon winter resident and migrant. |
Green-tailed Towhee | no | Single birds were recorded in 1969 and 1970; they were then absent until one bird was at Hueston Woods September 25 through 29, 2021. |
Eastern Towhee | yes | Common summer resident and fairly common winter resident. |
Yellow-breasted Chat | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Yellow-headed Blackbird | no | First recorded in 1946, they are now reported about every other year (although several years can pass without a sighting). |
Bobolink | yes | Rare summer resident. |
Eastern Meadowlark | yes | Fairly common summer resident and rare winter resident. |
Western Meadowlark | no | Only a handfull of records, mostly identified by voice. |
Orchard Oriole | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Baltimore Oriole | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Red-winged Blackbird | yes | Common summer resident and uncommon winter resident. |
Brown-headed Cowbird | yes | Common summer resident and rare winter resident. |
Rusty Blackbird | yes | Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident.' |
Brewer's Blackbird | no | Very rare migrant, reported about every five years. |
Common Grackle | yes | Common summer resident and rare winter resident. |
Ovenbird | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
Worm-eating Warbler | yes | Rare summer resident. |
Louisiana Waterthrush | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Northern Waterthrush | yes | Uncommon migrant. |
Golden-winged Warbler | yes | Rare migrant. |
Blue-winged Warbler | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
Black-and-white Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant and very rare summer resident. |
Prothonotary Warbler | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
Tennessee Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Orange-crowned Warbler | yes | Uncommon to rare migrant. |
Nashville Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Connecticut Warbler | yes | Very rare migrant. |
Mourning Warbler | yes | Rare migrant. |
Kentucky Warbler | yes | Uncommon to fairly common summer resident. |
"Cincinnati Warbler" | no | One record of this Blue-winged x Kentucky Warbler hybrid, in Madisonville, May 1, 1880. |
Common Yellowthroat | yes | Common summer resident. |
Hooded Warbler | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
American Redstart | yes | Fairly common migrant and rare summer resident. |
Kirtland's Warbler | no | At least 10 spring records, beginning 1872. The only fall record is October 2, 1975, a banded bird found dead on a Westwood porch. |
Cape May Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Cerulean Warbler | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
Northern Parula | yes | Common migrant and fairly common summer resident. |
Magnolia Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Bay-breasted Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Blackburnian Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Yellow Warbler | yes | Common migrant and fairly common summer resident. |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Blackpoll Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | yes | Uncommon to rare migrant. |
Palm Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant. |
Pine Warbler | yes | Uncomon migrant, often the first to appear in spring. |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | yes | Fairly common winter resident and common migrant. |
Yellow-throated Warbler | yes | Common migrant and fairly common summer resident. |
Prairie Warbler | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Black-throated Gray Warbler | no | No records in our core area; one record of a single bird in Georgetown, Brown County, winter 1992-1993. |
Black-throated Green Warbler | yes | Fairly common migrant |
Canada Warbler | yes | Rare migrant. |
Wilson's Warbler | yes | Rare migrant. |
Summer Tanager | yes | Fairly common to uncommon summer resident. |
Scarlet Tanager | yes | Fairly common summer resident. |
Western Tanager | no | Two records: one at Mt. Airy Forest, May 12, 1979, and one at Dayton, January 10 through 19, 2016. |
Northern Cardinal | yes | Common permanent resident. |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | yes | Fairly common migrant and rare summer resident. |
Black-headed Grosbeak | no | Three records: one at Milford, April 10 through 13, 1969; one at Cincinnati, January through March, 1976; and two at Fort Ancient, October 5, 1983. |
Blue Grosbeak | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |
Indigo Bunting | yes | Common summer resident. |
Painted Bunting | no | One female in Clermont County, April 17 through April 20, 2018; one male in Brown County, March 14 through March 19, 2021. |
Dickcissel | yes | Uncommon summer resident. |