Reducing Bird Strike Fatalities at the U.C. Campus

Recently, as scientists report that many bird species around the world are struggling to maintain viable populations due to several issues, the impact of bird strike fatalities is coming to the forefront as a necessary bird conservation measure.

The University of Cincinnati has agreed to work with Cincinnati Audubon to reduce bird strike fatalities on the UC Campus.

More than 1000 birds are killed each year due to window strikes on campus. Fatalities include migrants, summer residents, and year-round residents, some of which are uncommon or threatened. Species collected include Ovenbird, Tennessee Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Golden-winged Warbler, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, and Virginia Rail.  Most of the fatalities are concentrated in a few high kill areas – glass enclosed, lighted, elevated walkways being the worst. The birds reach the walkways and are attracted to the inside illumination rather than the darker areas above and below the elevated walkways.

A team of experts including Cincinnati Audubon Board Member Luke Thies, Professor Ron Canterbury of UC, and Matt Shumar from the “Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative”, will be working to develop cost effective approaches aimed at reducing impact fatalities on these “overhead corridors”. Cincinnati Audubon Board Member Rick Marra will act as the Project Manager.

Window treatments, lighting controls, and tree/shrub placement are some of the many factors that will be considered in the development of a UC Bird Strike Reduction Proposal. The goal of the effort is to cut fatalities in half.

There are similar efforts underway at Ohio State University and other agencies throughout the state and around the country. In our area, the Cincinnati Zoo serves as a model agency that has carried out successful measures to reduce bird strikes.

This is your chance to contribute to the effort by showing community support as the Bird Strike Reduction Proposal will not be an “easy sell”.  UC has budget issues and “bird fatalities” are not at the top of the priority list.  If you support this effort, send a supportive email to:


Professor Ron Canterbury

Associate Academic Director, Department of Biological Sciences

the University of Cincinnati

It will be helpful if you note whether you are a greater Cincinnati stakeholder, a UC alum, a benefactor, and/or a UC student supporter.


Address questions to,

Rick Marra,  Project Manager                       

Penny Borgman,  President Cincinnati Audubon

Luke Thies, Conservation Committee Chairman


Cincinnati Audubon

Conservation Committee