I am an industrial design student at UC in DAAP, and I am doing a project surrounding the act of observation. The general idea of the project is to design a system that helps incorporate mindful observation into the daily life/lifestyle of the user.
I have been “observing” throughout my daily routines as a piece of the research for this project, and that led me to to Cincinnati Audobon Society page – I was google-searching to try to figure out what birds I had seen on my walk to school! 🙂
I am very interested in getting in touch with anyone who would be willing to answer a few questions about observation in his or her daily life. I think the naturalist and birding communities would be awesome places to learn about how observation enhances one’s understanding and connection to his/her surroundings! I would also love to shadow any of your members during birding trips or more casual observations.
Please feel free to contact me through my email address: alikarsh@gmail.com
Thank you so much! 🙂